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When Will You See Results from Testosterone?

Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? We have the answers you've been looking for.

November 2, 2023
Medically-reviewed and fact checked by Ryan Lester, PA-C

It's sad but true: your testosterone levels will naturally decline as you age. While this is normal, it's not optimal for most men. Around age 40, most men start to experience a dip in testosterone levels at a rate of about 1-2% per year. By age 45, approximately 33% of men experience lower-than-normal testosterone levels. Dips in testosterone levels can leave you feeling like you're not yourself, wondering whether boosting your mood, drive, and motivation is possible.

The good news: hormone therapy can help, and it won't take long for you to see results once you get started.

If you're a man who is 40 or older, it's likely that you've already noticed some of the signs of decreasing testosterone. Some of the effects associated with decreasing testosterone levels include:

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of motivation
  • Loss of energy
  • Irritability, depression, or anxiety
  • Loss of lean muscle mass
  • Increase in body fat

While these symptoms can be a “normal” part of aging, they don't have to be a part of your life. You may find that your symptoms simply affect your sense of well-being, or you may find that your decreasing testosterone is leading to dangerous health consequences, like type 2 diabetes or obesity. Thankfully, it doesn't have to be this way.

Hormone optimization therapy can help mitigate the effects of normal testosterone loss over time. Suppose you're considering starting hormone optimization therapy or have recently begun supplementing testosterone. In that case, you may be wondering how long it will take to see the results you're looking for. Here, we'll take a look at what you can expect as your hormone optimization therapy begins to take effect.

How Long Does Testosterone Take to Work?

It's likely that you'll start to notice some positive results within four weeks of starting your hormone optimization therapy, but it can take longer for you to reap the full benefits.

Here, we'll take a look at what you can expect during each phase of your hormone optimization therapy.

Testosterone Therapy Timeline

One month: Most men find that their sexual interest begins to increase around four weeks after their first dose of testosterone. Typically, this plateaus by the six-week mark. Within four weeks, many men see a change in their mood and quality of life, including a reduction in symptoms of depression. This can take up to six weeks in some cases and can take up to a year and a half to fully take effect. 

Three months: Erythropoiesis--the production of red blood cells--begins to increase around three months and can take up to a year to peak. Your body's composition will continue to change at this point. In addition to fat loss, you may also notice an increase in lean mass and a boost in strength.

Six months: Changes in sexual performance like erection quality and firmness typically occur around the six-month mark. At this point, it's likely that changes in your body composition will begin to stabilize (but you'll likely to continue to notice small changes over the next few years). Improvements in bone health can be detected at this point and may continue for up to three years.

Speed of Testosterone Impact

When you decide to choose hormone therapy to help you get back to feeling like yourself again, it's important that you get the support you need to understand the changes that are likely to occur. Getting support from healthcare professionals who work with everyday men who want to get back to feeling like themselves--not just bodybuilders and fitness professionals--can give you the insight and support that you need to make the most out of optimizing your hormones.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're thinking about whether it makes sense for you to optimize your hormones, you're not alone. Asking questions to help you understand the process and decide whether it's the right fit for you is a smart move. Here, we'll look at some of the questions we often get from men considering using the Wellcore system to optimize their hormones.

How long does it take for testosterone to start having noticeable effects?

Most men can start to notice changes in sex drive or mood around the three- to four-week mark. Some effects--like changes in muscle mass or strength--can take up to six months. Fat loss typically occurs closer to one year. If you've been using hormone optimization therapy for some time and have yet to see its effects, it's a good idea to check in with your Client Success team to ensure that your body responds well to treatment.

What changes can I expect in my body and mood after starting testosterone treatment?

While each man can respond differently to testosterone, you could see the following changes:

Improvement in mood: For many men, using testosterone optimization therapy can lessen the symptoms of depression and create an increase in overall mood.

Increased energy levels: As testosterone begins to affect your body's chemistry, you'll likely find that it's easier to get through the day without fatigue.

Increased concentration: Struggling to focus at work? Testosterone can make it easier for you to stay on track.

Body recomposition: As your body fat level decreases, your lean muscle mass is likely to increase. Gains in strength can make it easier to work out at a higher level of effectiveness, allowing you to compound the effects of your hormone optimization therapy.

Increased sexual function: Most men who take testosterone experience an increase in sex drive, erection quality, and even orgasm.

Will I get "roid rage" from hormone therapy?

In a word: no. Roid rage occurs when testosterone and other hormones are abused and taken without medical supervision. At Wellcore, we work with you to understand your body's unique needs, providing you with the right dose to help you feel your best. When using testosterone replacement therapy, you're not abusing steroids--you're simply helping restore your body's natural hormones. 

What if testosterone therapy doesn't work for me?

If it's been some time since you've started hormone replacement therapy, and you have yet to see the effects that you want, it's a good idea to check in with your Client Success team to learn more. Testosterone therapy can take time to work, and you may need a different dose and/or lifestyle adjustments to create the positive effects that you're looking for.

At Wellcore, we don't just test your testosterone levels--we test five times as many biomarkers as other hormone replacement companies, allowing us to get a full picture of your health. You'll have access to your Client Success team through every step of the process, and we'll work with you to find the testosterone solution that's the best fit for your needs.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with testosterone therapy?

Testosterone therapy is safe for most men. That being said, it's important to work with a Client Success team to ensure that it's the right fit for your health and wellness needs.

Most people who use testosterone replacement therapy don't notice any negative side effects; however, there are a few to be aware of. Increasing testosterone levels increases a hormone called DHT. In those that are genetically predisposed, this can cause or worsen hair loss on the scalp. Applying a daily hair regrowth solution at the time of starting testosterone can prevent this. 

Increasing testosterone levels will also increase oil production in the skin. For some, this can create or worsen acne on the face, chest, back, or shoulders. Washing these areas with soap and water each day is usually enough to prevent this but in rare cases, acne creams can be used which are very effective.

An increase in testosterone can increase red blood cell production. The upside to this is that more red blood cells results in more oxygen to be delivered to your body which improves endurance and stamina. On the downside, in some men, this can raise blood pressure in the first 6-12 months of starting medication. For those men, donating blood once or twice in the first year is recommended. After 6-12 months of being on testosterone, most studies show a reduction in blood pressure.

Taking exogenous testosterone will reduce your body’s natural production of testosterone and sperm. Therefore, being on exogenous testosterone for an extended period of time can cause infertility. If you want to have children in the future, Wellcore recommends not taking testosterone. In this case, we recommend using a medication like clomiphene to naturally increase your testosterone levels.

With regards to cardiovascular events (heart attack, blood clot, or stroke) and prostate cancer, the TRAVERSE trial, published in The New England Journal of Medicine in June of 2023, is the most important clinical trial to date to help us address this commonly misunderstood concern. The results showed that testosterone therapy did not increase or decrease the risk of cardiovascular events which is in alignment with a majority of the clinical trials in the past 20-30 years. In fact, a majority of the studies demonstrate if you have low testosterone, you are at an increased risk of a cardiovascular event.

How often should I get my testosterone levels checked while on treatment?

It's a good idea to have your testosterone levels checked between three and six months after you begin treatment. This can allow your treatment team to understand how your hormone optimization regimen is working, and make adjustments if necessary.

Can I speed up the process of seeing results from testosterone therapy through lifestyle changes or supplements?

Good news: there are steps that you can take to make your testosterone therapy even more effective. Getting plenty of sleep, reducing processed carbs and simple sugars, and participating in consistent exercise (strength and aerobic training) can all work to boost the effects of your hormone therapy. An important note: consuming too many calories, a sedentary lifestyle, experiencing prolonged high stress, drinking too much alcohol, and not getting enough sleep can all hinder the effects of your testosterone therapy.

Wellcore: Your Home for Male Hormone Health

At Wellcore, our team is here to help you get back to feeling like your healthiest, strongest self. We'll work with you to understand your baseline testosterone level and create a hormone optimization program that makes sense for your needs. Our team prides itself on providing simple, convenient, comprehensive care to the everyman--it's our goal to help you feel your best. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you optimize your life.


Join millions of men and women who are improving their health by ordering the Wellcore At-Home Assessment Kit today.

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