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Breakfast Foods Are Trending on TikTok

Here’s How To Make A Heart-Healthy Dish.

Mia West
February 5, 2024
Medically-reviewed and fact checked by Ryan Lester, PA-C

Breakfast has somehow become the most alluring meal of the day, and nowhere has this become more apparent than on TikTok which delivered viral recipe after viral recipe in 2023. Once the most-skipped meal of the day, breakfast has emerged as the preferred go-to fare with Americans consuming 102 billion breakfasts last year. 

In celebration of American Heart Month, we've curated a collection of healthier adaptations of the trendiest TikTok breakfast recipes. While most were already heart-friendly or just needed a simple ingredient swap, the more indulgent breakfast delights required a complete rework in order to make the cut (yes, Potato Chip Omelet, we're looking at you). Read on for a selection of nutritious TikTok breakfast hacks tailored for those who turn to social media for morning meal inspiration.

Feta Fried-Eggs

The breakfast star of 2023, this recipe is a time-saver and will be a treat for those who love shakshuka, the savory, classic Middle-Eastern egg dish. Not only can you whip it up in less than 5-minutes, all you need is two ingredients to make this perfectly heart-healthy meal.

  • Full Recipe: Yum.
  • Ingredients: Eggs, feta-cheese
  • Watchouts: Use a healthy cooking oil such as olive or avocado oil
  • Health Perks: Healthy, wholesome and packed with protein
  • Serve With: Add onto a healthy tortilla such as Siete Foods' Chickpea Flour Tortillas smeared with mashed avocado

Potato Chip Omelet

Made popular by Golden Globe winner, The Bear, this dish has the potential to be a heart-stopper just like the show. The original recipe is a spin on the Spanish Tortilla Española, a baked breakfast omelet of sorts, but replaces fresh potatoes with salted potato chips and adds in big cardiovascular health no-no’s - butter and Boursin Cheese. In fact, this recipe is so difficult to remaster to be nutritious that we suggest sticking with this easy three-ingredient recipe that’s closer to the Spanish version! Keep in mind, this meal will be higher in starchy carbohydrates due to the potatoes. If you are trying to reduce simple sugars and starchy carbs, remove or lessen the potatoes.

  • Full Recipe: Another good one.
  • Ingredients: Eggs, potatoes, onion
  • Watchouts: Use a healthy cooking oil such as olive or avocado oil
  • Health Perks: Protein paired with antioxidants that may benefit heart health1
  • Serve With: Add a leafy green salad to bolster Vitamin A and K intake2

Big Ass Breakfast Salad

We love everything about this nutrient dense, untraditional breakfast choice. Big Ass Breakfast Salad (aka BABS) is all about salad creativity with the egg being a staple ingredient. It’s also a great way to ensure vegetables on the precipice of going bad don’t go to waste! Try this refreshing, zesty version of BABS to energize your morning.

  • Full Recipe: You're not going to believe this, but this one's amazing, too.
  • Ingredients: Eggs, cucumber, tomato, shallots, cilantro and olive oil, with a squeeze of lemon and sumac for flavor
  • Watchouts: Go easy on the olive oil. It’s calorie-dense and can contribute to weight gain
  • Health Perks: Essential nutrients3 potassium and vitamin C from cucumbers and tomato paired with protein makes for a winning combo
  • Serve With: Avocado toast made from fiber-rich whole grain bread 

Baked Oats

Although baked oats sound like a heart-healthy breakfast, the majority of the recipe variations are packed with blood spiking simple carbohydrates. It took some digging, but we unearthed this tasty flourless, sugar-free chocolate banana oat bake that comes with a satisfying crunch.

  • Full Recipe: Do we have to even say it?
  • Ingredients: Rolled oats, milk, bananas, eggs, cacao powder, baking powder, chopped nuts, sugar-free chocolate chips, olive oil
  • Watchouts: For the dairy averse, replace with a plant-based alternative like almond or oat milk (the more oats the merrier) and avoid nuts roasted in oil 
  • Health Perks: Oats4 can decrease the risk of heart disease and lower blood sugar, while nuts5 are rich in protein, antioxidants and fiber
  • Serve With: A fresh fruit salad is a sweet yet healthy compliment

The versatility of breakfast options, spanning from classic eggs, cereal, and toast to the more extravagant pancakes and waffles, allows for culinary experimentation and the joy of diverse flavors. This, coupled with the factors of affordability and convenience, renders breakfast a perfect choice for individuals juggling busy schedules. It offers a swift and straightforward alternative to elaborate lunches and dinners, allowing for a satisfying start to the day.

Whether you've masterfully recreated these breakfast recipes or crafted your own healthy variations, we invite you to share your culinary creations by tagging @teamwellcore. Your contributions not only add to the collective enjoyment of breakfast but also inspire others on their journey to delicious and nutritious mornings.








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About the Author

Mia West

A former journalist, Mia brings a high energy approach to communications rooted in insights, culture and brand DNA. She is driven by helping brands crystalize their story and foster meaningful, emotional connections with audiences. Over the years she has collaborated with prominent brands such as Petco, Keurig Dr Pepper, Jaguar Land Rover, Revlon, and Procter & Gamble Beauty, as well as many others in the retail, health & wellness, beauty, lifestyle, and sustainability realms. A California native, she lives in San Diego with her family at the beach.

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